Functional Fitness
By using movements designed to replicate real world experiences you better prepare yourself for life outside the gym.
Learn how to move correctly to minimize risk of injury when the unknown and unknowable happens.
We mix cardiorespiratory endurance, weightlifting, gymnastics and old-school cathletics. We vary the workouts every day using sprints, long-distance, lightweight, heavyweight, body weight and time under tension. All to prepare you for the things you want to do outside the gym.
By using movements designed to replicate real world experiences you better prepare yourself for life outside the gym.
Learn how to move correctly to minimize risk of injury when the unknown and unknowable happens.
Nutrition is the foundation of life and performance. Everything you put in your body either fights disease or feeds it. You simply can't outwork poor nutrition. Real food equals real results.
You can only manage what you can measure. SCCF uses technology to enhance the CrossFit experience from real-time heart-rate monitoring to a mobile app to track performance and reserve class times.
What is Silver Comet CrossFit? CrossFit is a lifestyle program designed to make you better at life and prepare you for all the unknowns and the knowns. CrossFit uses movements that mimic the things you do or should do, in everyday life outside of the gym. We are here to teach you how to move safely and efficiently all the while increasing your capacity and strength. We do this through a mix of cardiorespiratory endurance, weightlifting, gymnastics and old-school calisthenics. We vary the workouts every day using sprints, long-distance, lightweight, heavyweight, body weight and time under tension. To prepare you for the things you want to do outside. We believe three inherent truths: life is better when you can do more, fit people are harder to kill and more useful in general, and the athletic/nutrition goals of a world-caliber athlete and your grandmother differ only in degree, not kind. We are here, no matter what your level or lack of level of fitness, to help you find the best possible version of yourself.